“Breathing and nervous system regulation - are the first places, not the last, one should look when fatigue, disease, or other evidence of disordered energy presents itself.”

— Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, Ph.D.

Katharina - Seeds of prana / Breathwork Melbourne


to this space.

My name is Katharina and I am passionate to support you on your journey towards well-being.

My method is a unique blend of conscious connected Breathwork, Pranayama, intuitive movement, sound & meditation.

Breathwork has been practised in ancient traditions for thousands of years. It has been used all over the globe in different cultures for the purpose of physical, psychological, emotional, and even spiritual healing. The practices have since been refined for modern use and supported by evidence-based results.

Breathing practices can help us to dissolve self-sabotaging narratives that are not in alignment with our authentic self. By introducing these practices into our lives, we may begin to return to our unique essence - to who we always were, beneath the layers of conditioning and programmed re-actions. It all begins with a first step. By improving the relationship with yourself (body & mind) - you will inherently be improving everything else.


Breathwork is a powerful modality that offers incredible healing on all levels and supports great transformation.

  • Improves your sleep

  • Calms your nervous system

  • Helps to heal trauma (PTSD, childhood trauma etc.)

  • Helps to let go of what no longer serves you

  • Detoxifies your body

  • Supports lymphatic drainage

  • Improves lung function & capacity

  • Reduces stress & anxiety

  • Helps with depression

  • Boosts your immune system

  • Increases clarity & focus

  • Relaxes your body & mind

  • Makes your skin glow

  • Empowers you

  • Reestablishes balance & peace

  • Gently releases physical chronic symptoms

  • Leaves you highly energised

  • Supports you to find answers & solutions through the altered state of consciousness

  • Whatever it is that you are going through, Breathwork might be exactly what you need right now.



    Private Breathwork sessions are a great way to dive deeper during a Breathwork journey.

    This format is also great for people that want to try Breathwork but are feeling unsure or experiencing some anxiety around what may happen during the session. Some people might struggle with the idea of doing this intimate work in a group, therefore a 1:1 session would be ideal.

    To have the full exclusive support of a facilitator might be the perfect experience for one’s process. This is because a private session provides an entirely customised option for individuals. It can be customised to your personal needs and goals, your time schedule and other requirements.


    Group sessions are very powerful - in the way it allows you to connect and relate to everyone around you during these sessions. This happens through the Breathwork practise itself that you are doing together, but also through other group activities that can be implemented - according to the needs of the group.

    A great way to strengthen the ‘teamfeeling’, the focus, the energy & mindset of your employees can be through a Breathwork session in form of ‘Corporate Breathwork’. Corporate Breathwork sessions are slightly different in their approach. They can be customised according to what your staff and company would benefit the most from.


    Breathwork & meditation are a great addition to literally anything in life and perfectly suitable for an event, festival or retreat.

    To have somatic practices offered to participants will give them a chance to re-connect with themselves on a profound level, which will automatically enhance their whole overall experience at your event.

    Get in touch to see how this could be a good fit for what you are planning.

“Keeping the breath connected leads to non-ordinary states of mind with alterations of consciousness that can feel quite similar to psychedelics and plant medicine. Every circular connected Breathwork session is different for every person, every time, and the breath is the guide, taking you exactly where you need to go for your highest healing. Some benefits reported by breathers include the shedding of trauma, spiritual connectivity, breakthrough insights, physical healing, connections with the divine or deceased loved ones, more self love, increased happiness and presence, better relationships, and an acceleration of awakening.”

— Alchemy of Breath


Katharina’s background is from Germany but she chose Australia to be her home. She is the founder of SEEDS OF PRANA and with her offerings she will give you the tools to train your mind & body that will help you to live a healthy, fulfilled life full of PRANA (life force) and purpose.

Katharina holds certifications as a Breathwork Facilitator with the Sacred Breath Academy (400 hours) and with Michaël Bijker - Yogalap as well as a Reiki practitioner Level I + II. Katharina guides people to drop into their body & its innate wisdom, helps them release repressed emotions, recover from trauma & manage to rebalance their nervous system by gently applying the teachings that have served her along her own transformational journey.



  • Would you like to let go of things that no longer serve you?

  • Do you feel exhausted & overwhelmed?

  • Would you like to reset your mind & create more focus and energy?

  • Are you at a point in your life where you would like to improve your life quality?

  • Would you like to find your purpose?

  • Have you tried many other tools before but still can’t get over that emotion or traumatic event?

  • Do you still repeat certain behavioral patterns that you wanted to get rid of ages ago?

  • Do you feel like you are stuck in the same cycles?

  • Have you recently recovered from COVID and want to improve your lung and overall health?

  • Would you like to support your immune system?

Now, it’s YOUR choice to become:



S · P · A · C · I · O · U · S


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